A article on Just Art Vibez Magazine on Adam & Joe's.
I’m sure that I don’t have to mention it, but COVID hit a lot of us hard. Some were hit harder than others. Throughout the entire ordeal at the start of the pandemic, there was much fear of contact with people, going to our regular places, and even breathing without a mask. We were all (some of us still are) paranoid of leaving our homes. Media outlets and other news sources were unsure of how the virus was spread, who was at higher risk of getting sick, and what areas were contaminated the worst.
Here in South Florida, many businesses had the unfortunate fate of never reopening their doors after the lockdown. With all of the companies closing down around me, I was happy to be one of the lucky few to have a job that I could continue from home. Many people I knew did not have that luxury and lost their jobs. Companies considered “essential services (pharmacies, law enforcement, hospitals, etc.)” stayed open, and their staff members continued to work regardless of their inability to buy meals, due to all of the restaurants being closed.
But amongst all of this chaos, one family restaurant named Adams & Joe’s, continued to work, help their community, and survived this pandemic as a local hero. The Fort Lauderdale, Florida restaurant was unable to feed customers in-doors, but they continued to cook, bake, grill, and maintain their hospitality and availability by delivering their gourmet meals to their customer’s homes. They also donated meals to local firefighter and police stations, and to doctors, nurses, and other medical staff members. Not only were they available, but their full menu (wraps, subs, sandwiches, burgers, sides, desserts, and much more) was also. During a time where it seemed like the world was at its end, these families and employees were still able to receive delicious hot meals and big warm smiles from the Adams and Joe’s family. The family we all wish we had during our times of need.
Visit AdamAndJoes.com today, and come try or order from the best gourmet catering, dining and eatery since 1992. Also, you can follow them on Instagram and Facebook.